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The End Is Near (*OR* What's For Thanksgiving Dinner?)

The End...

First of all...I forgot Clarence Clemons died.

"Clarence died on June 18, 2011, following complications from a massive stroke suffered just six days before."

The #Election2016 has taken on greater significance in my mind. Watching Hillary's Video Blog (formerly known as CNN), a Gen-X or older generation cannot help but be aware that mainstream media (MSM) is having last rites at the ready in case of a Trump presidency. Their significance, credibility, and relevance are all on the line with this round of ballot casting.
Think about it.

What if?-

More and more people have stopped turning to the "Big 3" and the disease has spread to the cable networks as well. Think about it.
Look to the rise of news sources like Alex Jones, The Young Turks, Breitbart News, and the juggernaut that is The Drudge Report.
Ariana Huffington and other savvy left leaners jumped ship while there were still lifeboats.
Unless we have another Clinton presidency, stick a fork in the MSM. They're done.
Think about it.
The most poignant part will be the line of demarcation that will be Thanksgiving based on election day(s) remaining this year.
If we have a Clinton presidency, they are still in jeopardy but will survive another four years if only on life support.

On the other hand, just as SNL has hoped for Republican presidents and public figures for the plethora of material that only they have seemed to find amusing for the last twenty years, it would give them fodder to feed the lemmings that don't want truth anyway. The truth is really beside the point to their target audience.
As newspapers continue to disappear and news organizations continue to be sold out to the Big 6 Media "conglomerates"

the nails for our "free" press coffins have been tapped into their starter holes awaiting the final big swing to drive them home into what will become their final resting place. Rest in peace, and good riddance. 
The free press has been anything but since before Vietnam. 
Think about it.

Comments welcome. PG-13 or under please...

For as long as speech is still free...I'll continue to use mine. You shoudl too.
Think about it.
-Just L.
